Analysis and evaluation of innovation and investment activities potential of economic entities (for example, the Northwestern Federal District)

Innovations management

The current situation of the economic entities of the Northwestern Federal District (NWFD) has been analyzed in this article. Regional innovative activity evaluation is an actual topic of studies among Russian economic scientists, research centers and departments. The current innovation and investment situation in Northwestern Federal district has been characterized and statistical data for the period of 2005–2014 was analyzed by authors. The result of this work concludes the uneven distribution of innovative activity among economic actors that are members of the Federal district. Due to the significant role of the government in the formation of investment activity in the regions, an analysis was conducted of the directions of industrial policy of innovative-investment activity of economic entities. The results of the study showed that nowadays in each subject of the Northwestern Federal District there are a lot of actions that are made to strengthen innovation activities, developed plans and strategies for its development. Moreover, authors carry out evaluation of existing methods for the analysis of innovative activity and innovative potential of the region. In total number, nine methods developed by Russian institutions, organizations and scientists were reviewed there. Using this information, the comparative analysis of all methods was released; the advantages and disadvantages of each were mentioned. Based on this, authors have selected only one methodology and used it in further calculations. The authors have performed analysis of innovative-investment activity of economic entities in the Northwestern Federal District, as well as the evaluation of innovative potential of each actor of the region. The results showed that in most regions of the northwestern Federal District it is necessary to strengthen government’s actions in order to stimulate innovative activity at the enterprises. The final part of the work authors have made a forecast of the volume of innovative goods, works and services, produced by enterprises of the Federal District. The linear regression equation was used to build a forecast for 2015–2025. The results of the study can be used for the formation of the policy for further regional development, creation of innovation and investment strategy and development of the actors and the region in general.