Modern approaches to the management of production flows of industrial enterprises under the conditions of corporate integration

Economy and management of the enterprise

A significant part of  imported engineering development, advanced technologies and equipment provided conditions to develop machine-building enterprises. Now, however, there are a lot of serious problems for the further development of domestic machine-building industry within the context of a wide range of sanctions. Thus, the President set the task to work out an import substitution strategy. It means that  domestic producers have to develop the mechanism of sustainable economic relations. This principle implies a flexible response of all production entities to market development trends, cost optimization, improving product quality and increasing the level of competitive advantages of domestic producers. It should be noted that the key parameters that determine the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises are quality, the duration and timeliness of production and its cost. Accordingly, one of the main conditions of  domestic machine-building industry development is to increase technical and economic efficiency of production and to achieve  target cost parameters and the duration of the production cycle.  It can be achieved by means of an integrated (combined) application of several types of control actions such as – technical and technological rearmament of production, – the  increase of production volumes, the – reduction of overhead costs at the expense of the organizational arrangements, the – coordination of production and intercorporate relations. The integration is of particular interest under the  current economic environment. It  enables the use of various forms of cooperation. Integration trends predetermine the search to reconcile corporate interests of partners in many business areas, the implementation of a balanced public policy and active actions in scientific-technological and socio-economic development [8]. Domestic scientists such as Gadjinsky A. M., Gerstein, E. F., Mirotin L. B., Sergeev V. I.,  Trynev V. A., Khrabrova I. Yu., Fathudinov R. A., Schepkin A. V. made great contribution to the study of various aspects of integrated management. Despite many existing methods and mechanisms for the management of industrial enterprises under the conditions of integration, there is no any  management instrumentation of production flows in the «just in time» with a given cost in terms of industrial cooperation. It requires a theoretical and practical justification and thereby it makes the question relevant. Since machine-building industry is a basic branch of Russian economy, the share of machine building in GRP is more than 10%. The sustained and rapid development of machine-building industry is a necessary factor for the successful economic development of Russia. In addition, machine-building enterprises are points of economic growth that stimulate the socio-economic development of territories and related industries. However, a number of problems that require software solutions at Federal and industry levels currently hinders the development of domestic machine-building industry.  It makes sense to emphasize the following: the volatility of economic relations among subcontractors, closed production, a long production cycle, a significant number of manufacturing operations, enhanced cooperation and an unskilled  level of working and engineering staff. The aforementioned  problems bring the variety of risks and uncertainties that potentially lead to changing parameters in the production program, the deviation from the target value, quality and order processing.